Twinrix® Pregnancy Registry for Twinrix® Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B (Recombinant) Vaccine Please note that this registry is now CLOSED. GlaxoSmithKline closed the Twinrix Pregnancy Registry on 28 October 2015. We wish to thank everyone for their support of the Registry. Your efforts in sending us registrations, follow-up information, and additional targeted follow-up information have been integral to allowing the Registry to provide data to GSK and Regulatory Authorities, including the FDA. GlaxoSmithKline will still collect information on pregnancy exposures if a patient received the Twinrix vaccine within three months prior to pregnancy or during pregnancy. All pregnancy exposure reports will still be analyzed and reported to Regulatory Authorities as appropriate. For questions related to Twinrix exposure during pregnancy or other questions, please contact GlaxoSmithKline’s Response Center at 1-888-825-5249. Patients can still report Twinrix exposures during pregnancy by calling 1-888-233-2334 (toll-free). Additional resources: |